Javascript - ethers v5
// Import necessary libraries for HTTP requests and Ethereum blockchain interactions
import axios from "axios";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

// Asynchronously rewards experience points (XP) to a user for completing an activity
async function RewardXP() {
  // Define the base URL for interacting with the OPENFORMAT API

  // Specify the API key obtained from OPENFORMAT to authenticate requests
  const OPENFORMAT_API_KEY = "";

  // Setup the API client with headers for content type and authorization using the API key
  const apiClient = axios.create({
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",

  // Your Ethereum private key associated with the account used to register the app on OPENFORMAT
  const ETH_PRIVATE_KEY = "";

  // Initialize a blockchain provider to interact with the Mumbai test network of the Polygon blockchain
  const blockchainProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(

  // Create a wallet instance with the private key and provider to enable signing transactions
  const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(

  // Define reward data including the app identifier, recipient address, and reward specifics
  const APP_ID = ""; // Unique identifier for the app issuing the reward
  const RECEIVER_ADDRESS = ""; // Ethereum address of the user receiving the XP reward

  const rewardData = {
    receiver: RECEIVER_ADDRESS,
    amount: 10, // Amount of XP to reward
    action_id: "complete_activity", // Identifier for the rewarded activity
    app_id: APP_ID, // Application identifier for tracking

  // Attempt to issue the XP reward through the OPENFORMAT API, handling the promise response or error
  let transactionResponse = await apiClient
    .post("/v1/reward/XP", rewardData)
    .then((res) =>
    .catch((err) => console.error("Error issuing reward:", err));

  // Sign the transaction for the reward with the wallet's private key
  const signedTx = await wallet.signTransaction(
  const executeData = { signed_transaction: signedTx };

  // Execute the signed transaction through the OPENFORMAT API and handle the response or error
  transactionResponse = await apiClient
    .post("/v1/transactions/execute", executeData)
    .then((res) =>
    .catch((err) =>
      console.error("Error executing transaction:", err)

  // Log the transaction hash for the executed transaction, linking to the PolygonScan explorer for the Mumbai network
    `Transaction executed, hash:${transactionResponse.transactionHash}`

// Execute the RewardXP function and catch any unhandled errors
RewardXP().catch((err) =>
  console.error("Unhandled error in RewardXP:", err)