Node Inputs

dApp IDThe ID for your OPENFORMAT dApp.
Private KeyThe private key for the account used to create your dApp.
Action nameThe name of the action that the user has completed e.g. Correct answer
Amount of XP The amount of experience points (XP) that you are rewarding the user with e.g. 50.
receiverThe account address for the user you are rewarding. e.g 0x1234…
AwaitWhether you want to wait for the transaction to be confirmed before returning a response.

Node Outputs

transactionHashThe hash of the transaction, used to uniquely identify it on the blockchain.
blockExplorerUrlA URL to view the transaction details on a block explorer.

What’s Next?

This reward will now appear in the list of completed_actions when you use the Get User Information node with the receiver address. Why not try out the XP Rewards Integration templates with the Leaderboard for a seamless web3 points system integration into your frontend application?