Rewards Platform ->

The easiest way to get started is to use the rewards platform.



npm install @openformat/sdk ethers@^5


Create a community (called an app in the SDK) in the Platform or create an app via the sdk.


Instantiate SDK

To instantiate the SDK you will need the following:

  • appID can be found on your communities page in the platform
  • signer is the private key from the account that created the community (app)

Always store private keys securely as environment variables or in secure storage systems. Never hardcode your private key in your source code or commit them to version control (e.g., Git).

import { OpenFormatSDK, Chains } from "@openformat/sdk";

const APP_ID = "Insert your app ID here";
const SIGNER = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY;

const sdk = new OpenFormatSDK({
  appId: APP_ID,
  signer: SIGNER,
  network: Chains.arbitrumSepolia,

You are now all setup, ready to start rewarding tokens and badges.