We’re in the process of redesigning our Launchpad to make it easier for builders to get started.

While this is in progress, you can continue building with our SDK or use our API to start rewarding your users.

Join our Discord community to keep informed, ask any questions or share feedback.

With ❤️ from OPENFORMAT.



npm install @openformat/sdk ethers@^5

Create a web3 account (Optional)

If you’re new to web3, you’ll need an account to use our SDK. You can easily create one with this simple script:

import { ethers } from "ethers";

function createWallet() {
  const wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
  console.log(`Wallet Address: ${wallet.address}`);
  console.log(`Private Key: ${wallet.privateKey}`);


Create an App

The functions in this code snippet require gas. You can obtain gas from a faucet, or we can provide a small amount of testnet tokens on Discord to get you started.

import { Chains, OpenFormatSDK } from "@openformat/sdk";

const sdk = new OpenFormatSDK({
  network: Chains.arbitrumSepolia,
  signer: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, // Your wallet's private key

// Create App
const app = await sdk.factory.createApp({
  name: "APP_NAME",

// Create XP Token
const xp = await sdk.App.createToken({
  name: "XP",
  symbol: "XP",
  supply: 0,

console.log("APP_ID", app.id);
console.log("XP_ADDRESS", xp.address());

Instantiate SDK with your App

import { OpenFormatSDK, Chains } from "@openformat/sdk";

const sdk = new OpenFormatSDK({
  network: Chains.arbitrumSepolia,
  signer: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY, // Your wallet's private key
  appId: "INSERT_APP_ID",

Now that you have generated an APP_ID and an XP_ADDRESS, you can either continue with our SDK or use our API to start rewarding your users.