We’ve partnered with no-code and low-code stacks to make it as easy as possible for builders and developers to experiment with web3 technologies.
We’ve done this for a number of reasons:
Accessibility: No-code and low-code platforms democratise the development process, enabling anyone - from seasoned developers to non-technical enthusiasts (founders, product owners, designers) - to create applications without deep technical expertise.
Speed and Efficiency: These platforms are designed for rapid development, allowing users to build, test, and iterate quickly.
Prototype with Ease: For traditional developers, no-code and low-code tools provide an excellent sandbox for prototyping. When paired with our onchain game mechanics toolkit, developers can quickly assemble and test new ideas that integrate functionalities like XP systems, rewards, badges, missions, and leaderboards.
Showcase Utility: We want to demonstrate the practical applications of web3 technologies in real-world scenarios. By coming together with no-code and low-code partners, our goal is to reduce the barriers to entry, increase speed of experimentation and support builders to innovate in new and interesting ways with genuine utility at its heart.
Key Concepts
Before you start building, we recommend you familiarise yourself with some key concepts of OPENFORMAT. This foundational knowledge will make your building process smoother and more efficient.
Let’s Play
We want builders to use our toolkit and templates to push the boundaries of what’s possible. And our partnerships with no-code and low-code platforms accelerate this even further. Right now we’re in beta and on testnet, which means that you can start playing safe in the knowledge that there is no risk to real funds. If you want to take something you build to mainnet, let us know in Discord and we can support you with this.
Whether you’re a traditional developer or a no-code enthusiast, we invite you to explore, build, and innovate with us.
Need help? Chat with us and our community on Discord.